ReGES – What we do
ReGES is a scientific study. We want to know: How are things going for young pupils like you, who arrived in Germany just a few years ago? This is why we ask you and your parents questions about your everyday life. We are interested in learning how we can help you settle in. But we also want to know what types of problems you are facing.
Learning is an especially important topic for us. We are not only interested in learning in school, but also the ways in which you learn outside of school, such as in language courses. And you also learn a lot of new things through contact with your family and friends.
We have been conducting the ReGES study for a few years. Now we want to know how things are going for you several years after your arrival in Germany. We would therefore like to invite you and your parents to continue taking part in the study. This is the only way we can learn more about your situation.